The Rotary Club of Ashburn, VA is pleased to welcome Rotarian Wayne Chiles who will speak about the Shelter Box program.  


Wayne Chiles joined the Rotary Club of Springfield in April 1984, representing his employer Bell Atlantic (later renamed Verizon Communications.)  Over the years Chiles has held every office in the Club, some several times, and served as President in RY1994-95.  Chiles served as an Assistant Governor for 5 clubs during RY2007-10.  In late 2005 our Club agreed to get involved with promoting the ShelterBox project in our District, an effort to which Chiles now devotes as much time as possible.   Over the years, Chiles has presented ShelterBox  to most of the Rotary Clubs in our District, displayed the package at many District events, community activities, some schools- all levels, Scout groups, and many industry events.  Chiles enjoys speaking to any group, wherever they may be, for as long as they will listen- with no obligation on their part- just to share the good news about ShelterBox.

Chiles retired from Verizon in 2002 and lives in Burke, VA with his wife.  Their children and grandchildren live in Philadelphia and Omaha.